Breaking the Fourth Wall: Worth1000 blogging about BoingBoing blogging about Worth1000

January 23, 2007

Many of you who visit Worth1000 have heard about us from BoingBoing. Cory Doctorow, one of the blog’s 4 editors browses our contest galleries regularly and links to those he enjoys.

So imagine our amusement when attending a conference where he was speaking, Michael Galpert (who works on Photogami – Worth1000’s upcoming print division) noticed Cory browsing a Worth1000 contest during someone else’s lecture, not knowing we were behind him. He snapped a picture for good measure:

Cory Doctorow browsing Worth1000 at the Google Unbound lecture

Is this breaking the fourth wall of journalism? Worth1000 blogging about Cory (researching for) blogging about Worth1000?